I don’t know about you, but the global pandemic has really made me take a look at myself and my lifestyle. I live alone, and have been well and truly locked down for several weeks now, partly as I believe you should follow the guidelines, but also because I have asthma and I’m not prepared to put myself at risk. I am very fortunate that I am able to do my job from home, so I don’t really have any financial concerns (although my household bills have gone up as I am heating the house more as it’s been rather chilly and also the use of electricity has also shot up). Not leaving the house and working from home has had some effects on my health and lifestyle though. My step count and exercise level has plummeted. I would spend a lot of time walking around different sites for work to meet with other colleagues and just to do my job. Now, everything I need from the kitchen to the bathroom is less than 50 steps away from where I’m working.
I’m not very motivated at going out for a walk, but I am trying to do this more as I know this is key for both my physical and mental health. It’s good to have a change of scenery even if just for a little while, and of course, the fresh air makes a massive amount of difference. Everytime I go out and starting breathing in the fresh air I wish I’d done it sooner and more often!
On the note about mental health, I had a counsellor in place before all this kicked off, but I am still ‘meeting’ her weekly to check in, although of course these sessions are now done online rather than face to face. I really think its important to talk to people in these strange times. Whether it’s a counsellor, therapist or a friend, picking up the phone can help people feel less isolated. It’s ok to not be ok and pick up the phone if you want to talk to someone, but it can also be great to just call others and check in anyway and see how they are doing.
If I’ve needed to speak to a doctor or nurse about my health or existing medications, it is now done over the phone, which is strange, but in my opinion, probably a good way to move forwards (after all I’ve previously said that doctor’s waiting rooms are one of the unhealthiest places to be)!
I’m also not buying lunch (and quite often breakfast) every day. This has had a big impact on my finances (positively) and although I still wouldn’t say I’m eating particularly healthily, it’s made me look at what I’m eating, doing and how I’m looking after myself and the conclusion I came to is that I wasn’t.
I’m hoping to put things in place whilst still in lockdown (such as improved menus and more walks) but I really hope that when I come out the other side (whenever that may be and whatever that might look like) I will have been given the kick to look after myself better. I am going to look into the best ways for me to lose weight, I am going to eat healthier, and manage my medications and health (including women’s health) better.
This pandemic has made me go from sometimes feeling like giving up, to fighting for my future, and although I of course wish it hadn’t happened, I do believe that it’s key to focus on any positives which come out of it.
Stay safe (and alert)!