4 Important Stock Investment Tips

    Stock investing involves buying shares from an organization in the hope that their value will appreciate over time. Unlike other investment options, stock investing has a low barrier to entry because you can begin with as much or as little as you’re okay with. Stock investments are highly liquid, meaning they can be sold and … Read the rest

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    Studying during and post pandemic

    During the pandemic, in an unprecedented move, schools and colleges were shut for long periods. For the majority of learners, from nursery, right the way through primary, secondary, further education and higher education, teachers and students had to adjust to distance learning.

    For some organisations this is as simple as posting or emailing materials to … Read the rest

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    Maximising your home space

    Whatever personal situation you may have found yourself in at the beginning of the pandemic (living with house mates, single and living alone, or married with a big family) you may have found that through home schooling and home working your house doesn’t work for you any more. Some people may decide that the only … Read the rest

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    What happens in debt management?

    My journey

    I am not a financial adviser and I can’t give you debt counselling or specific financial advise, but I can tell you what happened on my journey with Christians Against Poverty – also known as CAP. I hope that by being honest and open with you about this, that it will make … Read the rest

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