Have you ever heard a payday loan horror story? You may have, or you may be fortunate enough to not know anyone who has been in that position (or at least is prepared to talk about it). I am passionately against payday loans and guarantor loans. I have a lot of issues with the finance
An open letter to credit card companies – you need to stop irresponsible lending!
Dear credit card companies,
I know this might not make any difference – but I need to tell you how your behaviour and irresponsible lending makes me feel. We started off on such a strong footing – everything was great. Having a credit card made me feel like a grown up. It was like a … Read the rest
Continue ReadingThe Cult of Pinterest
So, you want to blog. You found your niche and you’ve started your website. Now you want to build traffic and monetize your blog. What do you do? Well in 99% of the blogging groups and forums I’ve seen, Pinterest is sold as the answer to all your prayers. Join lots of group boards, do … Read the rest
Continue ReadingAdopt, don’t shop – the purrfect pet doesn’t need to cost a fortune!
The Maths Factor – a review
I am passionate about financial education. I really feel that as young people we aren’t taught enough about the skills required to manage our money when we get older. A big part of this is maths skills. Whilst I was never great at managing my money, I was lucky enough to always enjoy maths … Read the rest
Continue ReadingThe financial cost of being environmentally friendly
There are no two ways about it – being environmentally friendly can bring about a cost, and only you can decide how much you want to or can afford to pay for things. There are many reasons we choose a cheaper or easier option and I am more than guilty of this. Whether it’s picking … Read the rest
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My top tips on finding a low-cost holiday
Holidays are my vice! I try to have one trip abroad every year and that’s what I put my spare money towards. I know that I could go away for a lot less money if I was much more flexible and planned better and that’s where my top tips for cheap holidays overseas come in!… Read the rest
Continue ReadingHow I transformed my kitchen in under £100!
What you need to know to avoid online dating scams
How often do you see stories in the media about people being conned out of their life savings after trying online dating? I don’t know about you but I see it pretty regularly. Online dating scams are getting more and more prevalent.
To me, scamming people via online dating is one of the lowest … Read the rest
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