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I kept hearing the name Approved Food and I didn’t really know what it was, and every time I meant to go and look it up, I would totally forget. Then one of my friends told me that they had just started ordering from there and how great it was so I really needed to look it up. I’m really pleased I did!

The UK creates over 7 tonnes of food and drink waste every year and Approved Food is doing their bit to conquer this, and bring you great savings at the same time – it really is a win win! This post is not an affiliate article – I just found something which I really believe in! You can save money and the environment which is something I am really passionate about!

In short they are “The UK’s best selection of clearance food and drink at discount prices”. How do they do that? Well, the sell items which are either surplus stock, or consumables with short dates on them – which means that customers are getting food and drink etc which is near the “best before” date but for a massively reduced price.

But is the food usable and safe to eat?

There is a big misunderstanding with regards to “best before” and “use by” dates on food and other consumables. This in turn leads to a massive amount of items being thrown away which are actually perfectly safe and good to eat.

Best before

Best before means exactly that. The item will have the best quality and most flavour if consumed before that date, however they are still edible after the date. You may however experience a deterioration in quality or taste. Things like crisps and other processed foods tend to have best before dates and in these situations I would recommend trying a product which has a best before date before deciding whether to dispose of the item(s). Approved Food do sell items close to or even slightly past their best before date. As these foods are perfectly safe to eat, they can be a great way of getting a bargain and cutting down on your grocery shopping bills.

Use by

Use by also means exactly that – the items must be used by the date on the product. Items with use by dates usually include fresh foods and things which will turn or deteriorate. Things like dairy products and fresh meat are examples of products with use by dates and these dates need to be followed and stuck to in order to avoid food poisoning and other complaints such as upset stomachs or worse. Approved Foods never sell items past its use by date.

Where can I get stuff from Approved Food

Approved Food is based in Sheffield and if you are able to, you can arrange to collect your shopping directly from the warehouse, however they also offer a courier delivery service to the rest of the UK. You can create an account and log in and then the delivery rates for your area will be correctly displayed. Prices are free if you spend over £55 and have just one box, but for one box (which holds up to 25kg) prices start from £5.99 for the first box, or £8.50 for two boxes!

Other top tips to be environmentally friendly

If the environment is something you are passionate about, or just want to be doing that bit more to play your part, I have some other great tips to share with you!

  • If food waste is a particular concern of yours, you can drastically cut down your waste by meal planning and prepping. I tend to batch cook things and freeze portions and when I do this the amount of fresh stuff in my fridge and therefore possibly left to go to waste is reduced as well. Whether you are on a diet or healthy living plan like Slimming World, or just trying to save a few pennies on your food, meal planning can be a real money saver!
  • Switch to green energy! I’m recently changed to have my energy provided by Bulb. Not only are they a green energy provider, but they offer a £50 referral fee if you use my referral link as a welcome gift. I also get a bonus too so thank you if you use it! It’s kind of common sense but turning lights off in rooms you aren’t in and only heating rooms which are being used are simple ways of cutting down your usage as well.
  • Go plastic free! One of my biggest concerns is about my level of use of single use plastic. I have failed miserably at going plastic free, but I have however really cut down on my usage, and when I do use it I am more careful to make sure it is recyclable and recycled when I am done with it. I also use a reusable water bottle and avoid single use plastic where I possibly can. It’s nothing major but it all adds up.
  • Transportation is a key area where we can do our bit – but I totally understand that it’s not possible for everyone to make these changes. Using a bike or walking where possible instead of driving is always a first preference. If you can’t do this, take public transport or car share. Some companies offer priority spaces or financial incentives to partner up with someone who has the same commute as you so as well as saving on fuel costs, you might be able to earn other rewards through it. Working from home one or two days a week will also cut down on your fuel usage – if your employer offers it.
  • If you don’t have the capacity to place a large order from Approved Food, it is still worth checking the reduced or clearance section when you are shopping in the supermarket. Having a flexible meal plan which you can adjust according to the availability of items will help with this. Yellow stickers tend to go quite quickly though so it’s worth trying to find out what time your local stores reduce items. You can then stock up and fill the freezer, all whilst doing your bit for the environment.

What are your top tips for living a green life? I’d love to know in the comments below!

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