Unusual ways to make money

    I’m often asked what are the most unusual ways to make money. In the world we live in, where there are ideas and resources at the tap of a smart phone, there is no quick or easy answer to this, plus, what I find to be a weird and unusual ways to make money, might … Read the rest

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    Making money from home – a roundup

    During these difficult and uncertain times, almost everyone I have spoken to has concerns about their finances. Whether you are working from home, unable to work, or still in the office, a level of uncertainty hangs over us like nothing our generation has seen or experienced before.

    I don’t want to be seen as exploiting … Read the rest

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    Saving money with Sign Up Offers

    As any regular visitor to this site will know, I’m passionate about saving money. Whether this is because you have some debt you need to clear off, or you just want to live more frugally in order to be able to pay for the other things in life, it’s something I’m a real advocate of. … Read the rest

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    Win a Hammock Competition


    I love a good competition, and that’s why I work hard behind the scenes to work with other bloggers and brands so that I can offer them to you from time to time. I’m delighted therefore to be able to bring you a brand new competition to help get … Read the rest

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